United Neon is celebrating its 80th year this 2017

United Neon is celebrating its 80th year this 2017

The challenge of our vision is in how we will maintain and sustain our position in the OOH industry and expand our business to become the indefatigable media player in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.

Our solution is in the mission, that is: to positively impact our partners for the glory of God. However, we are also challenged with our mission to have a cohesive and concerted effort in strengthening people and partner engagement towards the path of positively impacting the lives of people.

As a company, we believe that our mission is the driver to help us achieve our goal of being a best-in-class media company. We believe that media has the power to influence. Given this advantage to influence, we know that our mission is in congruence with our vision. The more we influence, the more people will be impacted positively.

In 2016, we internally launched our tagline – making lives meaningful. It is the byword that directs all our action.

The success of our business is when we are able to excellently execute our business model of integrating channels with the customers need and weave it into effective and impactful communication formats. Helping our partners grow their business is inherent in the business that we do. We also extend our work by enriching the lives of our partners through intentional trainings and workshops to hone them to become better citizens.

Forward looking, the measure of our tagline’s success is when we are able to say and remind ourselves that we need our Master to tell us: Well Done, Well Said, Well-Lived. my faithful servant.

Well Done. Well Said. Well Lived


The growth of the Company is not just about the bottom line.

It is about COOPERATION. It is how everyone work together to achieve a common goal through COLLABORATION for the benefit of all stakeholders.  It matters that we are able to CONNECT our people to their purposes and drive their passions to become a better version of themselves.  At the end of the day, excellence is a matter of personal desire and not a just a mere corporate mandate.

Well Said. [PROVERBS 12:18]

Honesty, humility and transparency in COMMUNICATION serves as our guidepost to sustain our relationship with partners.  We strive to set a culture of real and authentic concern for all stakeholders.

With a strong Christian foundation, we labor to let the good be directed to the source of everything good – that is Christ Jesus.  An utterance and admission of how God has touched and affected a person’s life is sheer delight for most of us. It is the light that keeps us aglow.

A partner’s life testimony of God’s greatness is what we hope to accomplish. If this happened to you and me and, it happens to multiply as we count the years, then, this is the fulfillment of our company’s mission.


Living an excellent and purposeful life of service entails harmony in a person’s professional and personal life.

The path is not easy. We need to go through ups and downs, tumbling and wringing, washing and drying and, sometimes a repeat of the cycle until we reach the point of letting God reign in our lives.  (Our business journey of going through challenging and learning times is similar to how we live our lives. Despite the challenges, His faithfulness abounds. We are now on our 80th year with a prospect of growing and expanding to where He will allow us to go) .

The purpose of life becomes clear as day when one realizes that the pursuit of peace is the key to experience real joy.

Peace comes in surrendering one’s life to Christ.

Alongside this pouring of peace is the imminent joy of sharing. (COMMISSION)

It is in this lightness of being through Christ that we reach out to those we love and care about and, even to those who we barely know. There is a desire to make that peace contagious to those we come in contact with.  A surge of joy to spread the love is something that becomes intrinsic and organic.

Love is amplified when there is peace and joy.

When we truly love, we give our best. (going the extra mile)

When we truly love, we do our best. (solve and resolve)

When we truly love, we strive to become the best. (God’s excellent servant).

A life well-lived is leading a Christ-centered life in service.

A life well-lived is doing and being the best version of yourself for the glory of God.
